Academic Associate

Ken Binmore is Emeritus Professor of Economics at University College London and Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol. He is one of the world’s leading game theorists, a founder of the modern economic theory of bargaining, and a pioneer of experimental economics. His research areas are evolutionary game theory, bargaining, political and moral philosophy, experimental economics, mathematics and statistics. He is the author of more than 100 scholarly papers and 14 books, a Fellow of the British Academy and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was awarded the CBE in the New Years Honours List 2001 for contributions to game theory and for his role in designing the UK’s 3G telecommunications auctions.

Professor Binmore has acted as an economic consultant on a wide variety of issues in auction design and regulatory economics, including the design and implementation of 3G auctions in Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Israel, Hong Kong, and the UK. He has worked with Market Analysis on a large number of consulting projects. These include the proposed takeover of Manchester United by BSkyB, the Airtours merger case, the Office of Fair Trading’s Competition Act investigation into BSkyB, auctions for Channel 3 broadcasting licences, the design of Brazilian power contract auctions, and Hutchison 3G’s appeals of its SMP designations in the UK and Ireland.