Academic Associate

Marco Pagnozzi is Professor of Economics at the University of Naples Federico II. He has a Dottorato di Ricerca in applied Mathematics from the University of Naples Federico II and a PhD in economic theory from the University of Oxford. He has published scientific papers in numerous academic journals, including Games and Economic Behavior, the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, the RAND Journal of Economics, the Review of Network Economics, the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy and the Journal of Industrial Economics. His research areas are in auction theory, industrial organization and experimental economics.


Professor Pagnozzi has advised widely on bidding strategies in spectrum auctions and takeover contests. He has been consulted by governments and private companies in several countries on the design of auctions for spectrum licenses, privatizations, electricity markets, fishing rights, natural gas, nonperforming loans, greenhouse gas emission allowances, bank services, medical services and exporting licenses. He has also advised on bidding strategies in auctions and takeover contests in a wide range of countries. He has worked extensively with Market Analysis on Ofcom’s proposed combinatorial auction for the 3G expansion band spectrum; on the Swedish 2.6 GHz spectrum auction; on the performance of Colombia’s auctions for firm energy obligations and on the design of wholesale gas market auctions in Colombia.

He is a member of the Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF) at the University of Naples Federico II and teaches graduate level courses in Game Theory, Auction Theory and Microeconomics.