Market Analysis is an international association of professional economists and one of the UK’s most experienced consulting groups. We specialise in the application of state-of-the-art economic analysis in regulatory proceedings and competition policy disputes in the UK, Europe and internationally.
Established in 1995, our client list contains many of the world’s leading energy, media and telecommunications companies, as well as the major regulatory and competition policy authorities. These include DG COMP and DG CLIMA of the European Commission, the Treasury of New South Wales, Orange UK plc, British Energy, Cable and Wireless, Union Electrica Fenosa (Spain), ITV plc, Cemig (Brazil), Wanadoo, 3 UK, Play Poland, the BBC, E.ON UK plc, the Colombian Commission for the Regulation of Energy and Gas, AES Chivor (Colombia) and EDF Energy.
Based in Oxford, Market Analysis is directed by David Harbord and draws on the expertise of academic economists from universities in Europe and America. We work with academic associates at University College London, the University of Oslo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Oxford University, Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Stanford University and the University of Naples Federico II.
As an association of highly professional economists with many years’ commercial consultancy experience, Market Analysis is uniquely placed to offer high-quality research and advisory services to our clients in government and industry.
Market Analysis has no formal ties with any other business or organisation, although we frequently work with major law and accounting firms and other specialist consultancies. We have also collaborated with leading academic research institutes on applications of auction theory and the theory of market design to market reform in the regulated industries.