By Ken Binmore and David Harbord, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, Vol. 1 (3), 449-472, 2005. Posted byWebmaster December 30, 2005 0 Share: “Bargaining Over Fixed-to-Mobile Termination Rates: Countervailing Buyer Power as a Constraint on Monopoly Power”&body=" title="Share by Email"> Related Articles “Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the UK with an Application to the Orange/T-Mobile Merger” “Capacity Investment and Competition in Decentralised Electricity Markets” Contracts for Difference, Bid/Offer Incentives and Efficiency in the Balancing Mechanism “Anti-Competitive Contracts in the UK Pay-TV Market” “Auction Design Issues for Spectrum Awards” “Comments on the Proposed Electricity Contract Auctions in Brazil”