- AES Chivor
- Airtours
- AL EZZ Steel Co (Egypt)
- AT&T
- Axtel (Mexico)
- Baker & McKenzie
- British Energy plc
- Cable and Wireless Communications
- Cable Communications Association
- CableTel Ltd
- Cellnet
- Cemig (Brazil)
- CREG (Colombia)
- CRC (Colombia)
- Delta Electricity (Australia)
- EDF Energy
- Electricity Reform Taskforce of NSW
- ELSE, University College London
- Energis
- E.ON Energy UK
- Enron
- European Commission DG CLIMA
- European Commission DG COMP
- Europe Economics Ltd.
- Freeserve.com
- Freshfields Deringer
- Granada Media
- Hi3G Access AB (“3” Scandinavia)
- Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd
- Hutchison Whampoa (Europe) Ltd
- Inexus Group Ltd
- ITV Digital
- Industry Commission of Australia
- Latin America Prosperity Fund (FCO)
- Lucas Industries
- Macquarie Generation (Australia)
- Maitland Walker Associates
- Mercury Communications Ltd
- National Electricity Market Monitoring
- Commission (NEMMCO), Australia
- Norweb plc
- Nynex CableComms
- Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- Office of Gas Supply (OFGAS)
- Oliver and Ohlbaum Associates
- Orange UK
- P4 (Play), Poland
- RJB Mining
- Scottish Telecom
- Singapore Telecom
- Telewest Communications plc
- Telstra
- Treasury of New South Wales
- Union Electrica Fenosa, S. A.
- Videotron Corp
- Vodafone
- Wanadoo
- WorldCom
- Two Degrees (NZ)