
  • David Harbord

    David Harbord is the Director of Market Analysis Ltd. He has a BA in Political Economy from the University of Toronto; an MA in Economics from York University; and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. Prior to taking up a career in consulting he pursued an academic career, and held teaching and research positions at Bristol University, the University of Oxford, Stanford University, the University of British Columbia and the London School of Economics.

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Senior Associates

  • Tony Curzon Price

    Tony Curzon Price has worked as a staff economist at the Competition Commission, at the Competition and Markets Authority, as advisor to the Secretary of State for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, at the Cabinet Office and in the Number 10 policy unit. He is a non-executive director of OFGEM, the UK’s energy regulator. He has a particular interest in public policy issues related to energy, environment, data, platforms and market power. He has a PhD in economics from University College London.

  • Adam Mantzos

    Adam Mantzos specialises in financial and economic issues in regulation and competition policy. His experience includes the development of regulatory policy; the level and structure of price controls; the introduction of competition into monopoly markets; network access pricing; cost attribution and forecasting; and margin squeeze modelling and financial impact analysis. Adam’s experience covers the gas, electricity, telecoms, media, water, rail and postal industries.

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  • David Robinson

    David Robinson holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Oxford. He consults on competition, regulation, and corporate strategy in energy and other regulated sectors. As a recognized architect of liberalization in Europe, he advises governments and corporations on public policy and corporate strategy in infrastructure sectors. His current research and publications cover energy and climate policy in the US, the EU and China, Sino-EU collaboration in renewable energy, the impact of the shale gas revolution, and the process and implications of energy sector decarbonization.

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Academic Associates

  • Ken Binmore

    Ken Binmore is Emeritus Professor of Economics at University College London and Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol. He is one of the world’s leading game theorists, a founder of the modern economic theory of bargaining, and a pioneer of experimental economics. His research areas are evolutionary game theory, bargaining, political and moral philosophy, experimental economics, mathematics an statistics.

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  • Nils-Henrik von der Fehr

    Nils-Henrik von der Fehr is Professor of Economics at the University of Oslo. He specialises in the fields of regulation and competition policy and has written extensively on regulatory issues in reformed electricity markets. He has advised on electricity and energy market reform in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and the UK, as well as for international organisations like the European Commission, Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

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  • Marco Pagnozzi

    Marco Pagnozzi is Professor of Economics at the University of Naples Federico II. He has a Dottorato di Ricerca in applied Mathematics from the University of Naples Federico II and a PhD in economic theory from the University of Oxford. He has published scientific papers in numerous academic journals, including Games and Economic Behavior, the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, the RAND Journal of Economics, the Review of Network Economics, the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy and the Journal of Industrial Economics.

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  • Georg von Graevenitz

    Georg von Graevenitz is Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods at the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary College, University of London. He is an applied micro-economist and specializes in industrial organization. His research focuses on intellectual property rights, innovation and entrepreneurship. He has published his work in journals such as Management Science, the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and Oxford Economic Papers.

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