By David Harbord and Alvaro Riascos, European Competition Law Review, Vol. 32, Issue 11, pp. 539-542, 2011. A Spanish version of this article appeared on the Foco Economico website on 7 June 2011 here. Posted byWebmaster June 7, 2011 0 Share: “The BAT/Protabaco Merger: Unilateral Effects, Tacit Collusion and Multimarket Oligopoly”&body=" title="Share by Email"> Related Articles “Network-Based Price Discrimination and Bill and Keep vs. Cost-Based Regulation of Mobile Termination Rates” “The Airtours Case: Collective Dominance and Implicit Collusion in European Merger Analysis” “What’s in a Game?” “Capacity Investment and Competition in Decentralised Electricity Markets” “Designing and Structuring the Secondary Market, Short-term Markets and their Management Mechanisms: Task 5 Report” “Designing and Structuring Auctions for Firm and Interruptible Gas Supply Contracts in Colombia”