Contracts for Difference, Bid/Offer Incentives and Efficiency in the Balancing Mechanism
A paper by Market Analysis Ltd. 8 May 2024.
On the Enforcement of Trade Embargoes by the Merchant Guilds
by Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, 25 April 2018.
CREG Energy Market Panel: The Evolution of Electricity Market Regulation in Colombia
by David Harbord, 4 November 2016. A report written for the Colombian Comision de Regulacion de Energía y Gas (CREG).
Comment on Ghang and Nowak’s “Indirect reciprocity with optional interactions”
by David Harbord and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr, 24 July 2016.
Bargaining and Brexit: Negotiating New UK Trade Deals from Outside the EU
An article published in openDemocracy by David Harbord and TIm Lord, 14 June 2016.
“Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the UK”
By David Harbord and Steffen Hoernig. Published in The Journal of Industrial Economics, 63: 673–703, 31 December 2015.
On Journal of Industrial Economics website
“What’s in a Game?”
An article published in openDemocracy by David Harbord, 17 March 2015.
“The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints: An Overview”
By Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, 10 November 2014.
“Subastas de capacidad eléctrica en el Reino Unido: Lecciones en Colombia y Nueva Inglaterra”
David Harbord and Marco Pagnozzi, REVISTA ANDESCO N° 28, Junio de 2014.
“Britain’s Electricity Capacity Auctions: Lessons from Colombia and New England”
By David Harbord and Marco Pagnozzi, The Electricity Journal, June 2014, Vol. 27, Issue 5.
“Efectos de la Reduccion de Tarifas de Terminacion Movil en el Bienestar en el Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones de Mexico”
By David Harbord and Steffen Hoernig, El Trimestre Economico, Vol. LXXX (3) julio-septiembre de 2013, pp. 651-686.
“Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the UK with an Application to the Orange/T-Mobile Merger”
By David Harbord and Steffen Hoernig. Revised version, 16 October 2012. ( Slide presentation )
“Diseno Regulatorio en Materia de Proteccion de la Competencia (Subastas)”
Slide presentation for Perspectivas del Derecho a la Competencia en Colombia: XX Anos del Decreto 2153 de 1992, Cartagena, 2 August 2012. (English version)
“The BAT/Protabaco Merger: Unilateral Effects, Tacit Collusion and Multimarket Oligopoly”
By David Harbord and Alvaro Riascos, European Competition Law Review, Vol. 32, Issue 11, pp. 539-542, 2011. A Spanish version of this article appeared on the Foco Economico website on 7 June 2011 here.
“Call Externalities, Network Effects and Market Power: The Orange/T-Mobile Merger”
By David Harbord and Steffen Hoernig, 20 August 2010. A short article summarizing the merger results of our paper “Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the UK with an Application to the Orange/T-Mobile Merger” published on VoxEU website on 28 September 2010 here.
“Network-Based Price Discrimination and Bill and Keep vs. Cost-Based Regulation of Mobile Termination Rates”
By David Harbord and Marco Pagnozzi, Review of Network Economics, Vol. 9 (1), March 2010. (Slide presentation)
“Designing Electricity Auctions”
By Natalia Fabra, Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 37 (1), pp. 23-46, 2006. (Slide presentation)
“Enforcing Cooperation Among Medieval Merchants: The Maghribi Traders Revisited”
By David Harbord, SSRN Working Paper Series: Economic History Research Network, 8 November 2006.
Slide presentation on “Enforcing Cooperation Among Medieval Merchants: The Maghribi Traders Revisited”
For Extra-legal Governance and Organized Crime Discussion Group Seminar, Oxford, 18 November 2006.
“Bargaining Over Fixed-to-Mobile Termination Rates: Countervailing Buyer Power as a Constraint on Monopoly Power”
By Ken Binmore and David Harbord, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, Vol. 1 (3), 449-472, 2005.
“Football Trials”
By David Harbord and Stefan Szymanski, European Competition Law Review, 25, pp. 117 – 121, February 2004.
“Restricted View: The Rights and Wrongs of FA Premier League Broadcasting”
By David Harbord and Stefan Szymanski. Published by the Consumers’ Association, December 2003.
“Designing Electricity Auctions: Uniform, Discriminatory and Vickrey”
By Natalia Fabra, Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord. Paper presented to the IDEI’s Conference on “Wholesale Markets for Electricity,” University of Toulouse, 22-23 November 2002.
“Modelling Electricity Auctions”
By Natalia Fabra, Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, Electricity Journal, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 72-81, September 2002. (Slide presentation)
“Anti-Competitive Contracts in the UK Pay-TV Market”
By David Harbord and Marco Ottaviani, European Competition Law Review, 23: 3, March 2002.
“Contracts and Competition in the Pay-TV Market”
By David Harbord and Marco Ottaviani, Economics Discussion Paper No. 45, Regulation Initiative Working Paper Series, London Business School, June 2001.
“Mis-Designing the UK Electricity Market”
By David Harbord and Chris McCoy, European Competition Law Review, 21: 5, May 2000.
“Market Definition in Oligopolistic and Vertically-Related Markets: Some Anomalies”
By David Harbord and Georg von Graeventiz, European Competition Law Review, 21:3, March 2000.
“Toeholds, Takeovers and Football”
By Ken Binmore and David Harbord, European Competition Law Review, 21: 2, February 2000.
“The Airtours Case: Collective Dominance and Implicit Collusion in European Merger Analysis”
by David Harbord, January 2000.
State Aid and the Single Market
“State Aids, Restructuring and Privatisation” by David Harbord and George Yarrow, in European Economy, No 3, , Chapter 5, pp. 89-131, 1999.
“Competition in Electricity Spot Markets: Economic Theory and International Experience”
By Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, University of Oslo Memorandum in Economics No 5/1998.
“Capacity Investment and Competition in Decentralised Electricity Markets”
By Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, University of Oslo Memorandum in Economics No 27/1997.
“Capacity Investment and Long-Run Efficiency in Market-Based Electricity Industries”
By Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, in Competition in the Electricity Supply Industry: Experience from Europe and the United States, O.J. Olsen (ed.), 1995.
“Barriers to Entry and Exit in European Competition Policy”
By David Harbord and Tom Hoehn, International Review of Law and Economics, Volume 14, pp. 411-435, 1994.
“Spot Market Competition and Long-Term Contracts in the England and Wales’ Electricity Market”
By Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, 1994. Revised version of University of Oslo Economics Memorandum No. 14/1992, “Long-Term Contracts and Imperfectly Competitive Spot Markets: A Study of the UK Electricity Industry.”
“Spot Market Competition in the UK Electricity Industry”
By Nils-Henrik von der Fehr and David Harbord, Economic Journal, Volume 103, pp. 531-546, 1993. Reprinted in Paul L. Joskow and Michael Waterson (eds) Empirical Industrial Organization, Edward Elgar, 2004; and in Ray Rees (ed) The Economics of Public Utilities, Edward Elgar, 2006.